Collin Campbell joined WNYC in 2003 and has reported, edited and produced everything from local newscasts to national programming. He is a co-creator of The Takeaway and Freakonomics Radio, two programs born at WNYC, as well as Transportation Nation, a reporting project that worked with stations coast-to-coast. His work has appeared on WNYC, NPR, The World, Marketplace and The Takeaway.
Collin is a California native, where he attended the University of California, Berkeley and worked for the San Francisco Chronicle, KALW, Weekend America and Southern California Public Radio. In 2006, he reported on the Mexican presidential election for NPR News, The World, Marketplace and the Houston Chronicle.
Collin Campbell appears in the following:
VIDEO: Smartphones at Summer Camp
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Hackathons - Who Sponsors Them and Why?
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
The explosion of civic-minded hackathons raises the question of what the organizations funding them are trying to accomplish.
Money Talking: What Pandit's Exit at Citigroup Says About the Future of Banks
Friday, October 19, 2012
The sudden departure of Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit has sparked a conversation about where the bank is headed under new leadership and what it says about the so-called "too big to fail" banking behemoths.
What Kind of Friendship Is This? Devils, Rangers Fans Sit (Together) Through Hockey Playoffs
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beware the Left Turner
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A new report issued by the city's transportation planners highlights where and why pedestrian accidents occur throughout the city. WNYC Senior Reporter Collin Campbell discusses the findings and what the Bloomberg administration is doing to make the city more walker-friendly.
What's the most dangerous intersection or pedestrian area you encounter? Any car/bike/walker incidents to report? Let us know!
Men, Not Taxis, Most Likely to Kill NYC Pedestrians
Monday, August 16, 2010
Four out of five traffic fatalities over the last five years in New York City involved male drivers -- and a similar percentage involved private drivers, not taxis, trucks or buses.
Livery Cab Crashes into Bus Stop in Bronx, Killing One
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
One person was killed Tuesday morning when a livery cab hit a bus stop in the Bronx. Six other people were injured, and three remain in critical condition.
New Willis Avenue Bridge Arrives in Bayonne
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A 350-foot bridge floated into New York harbor under the cover of night this morning. It’s the replacement span for the Willis Avenue Bridge and was built near Albany and sent down the river.
Denver Becomes Largest US City to Try Bike Sharing
Friday, April 23, 2010
At about 40 locations around downtown Denver, you can pick up a bike, ride it somewhere else and drop it off. The "Bcycle" program began yesterday, on Earth Day. Bike sharing is a mode of community transportation that's been tried in several European cities, and will be popping up in U.S. cities this summer; Denver is the first big American trial. Nathan Heffel, producer for jazz89 KUVO, checked in on the first day of Mile-High residents trying it out.
Stimulus-Funded High-Speed Rail Project Late on Arrival
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
It was to be one of the national Stimulus package's proudest shovel-ready projects; high-speed rail lines brought to Florida and California. But a year after its announcement, both states continue to struggle with local issues of planning and economy. We're joined by Public Radio transportation reporter Collin Campbell, who tells us more about how the projects are running into trouble.
The Takeaway in Denver
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Denver, Colo. —
Collin Campbell, out in Denver with John Hockenberry.
In 1985, KUVO started broadcasting here. The station began, and continues today, to be the great beating heart of jazz in Denver. Its studios sit in the Five Points neighborhood, the first predominantly African-American section in Denver, and a place famous for its cultural scene since the 1930s.
In January, KUVO started airing The Takeaway. We began to hear from Denver listeners, and we've kept an eye on the local economy, the city's future and its rising political stars. This month, we planned a trip out to visit the KUVO community and to connect with the political mood at the 62nd Annual Conference on World Affairs. That's a forum that began as America was recovering from World War II, where they debated things like the Marshall Plan.
Is Mandated Health Care a State's Rights Issue?
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Attorneys general from 16 states are challenging the health care legislation that was signed into law by President Obama last month. They're contesting the constitutionality of the law.
Will High-Speed Rail Change Florida Politics?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Among the projects picked for federal stimulus spending, Florida's Orlando-Tampa high-speed rail route was a curious place to put $1.25 billion. After all, it's Florida, and the 90-mile route runs through counties President Obama fought over tight margins of victory and defeat. So are the voters of Polk County, smack in between Orlando and Tampa, swayed by a stop on the federally-funded transit future? Takeaway transportation reporter Collin Campbell went to find out.
Living Snow Fences? Subway Station Skylights? High-Speed Rail? It's the Federal Stimulus, One Year In: a Transportation Nation podcast
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One year ago, the Obama Administration began pushing billions and billions of dollars out the door. The federal stimulus combines tax cuts, huge chunks of federal spending and the extension of benefits in hopes of stimulating the American economy. So how are American cities changing, and what will we remember about this massive program decades from now?
Making High Speed Rail a Reality
Thursday, January 28, 2010
In last night's State of the Union address, President Obama proposed the ambitious goal of bringing high speed rail to America. He wants to devote eight billion dollars to be doled out to 31 states to overhaul their mass transit systems.
JFK Terminal Evacuated, Reopened
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A security breach at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport stalled flights and delayed passengers for hours on Saturday afternoon. Terminal 8 at Kennedy airport was evacuated just after 4PM.
JFK Terminal Evacuated, Reopened
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New York, NY —
A security breach at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport stalled flights and delayed passengers for hours on Saturday afternoon. Terminal 8 at Kennedy airport was evacuated just after 4PM.
According to a report from the Associated Press, the security breach involved a passenger getting ...