Courtney Stein

Producer, Radio Rookies

Courtney Stein appears in the following:

The Chernobyl Disaster

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Irina was born in Belarus, which bore the brunt of the radiation fallout from the Chernobyl disaster. Irina and her family attribute many of their health problems to the radiation.


Promotion in Doubt

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The NYC Department of Education raised the standards for passing the 8th grade and ended social promotion. AJ Frazier has always just skated by, so he needed to change his ways.


Radio Rookie Jacuyra Responds

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mr. Grzelecki, a teacher at Ditmas Junior High School (IS 62) in Brooklyn, used Jacuyra's Rookies story to teach his students a lesson. After listening to 'My Mother vs. The Streets' his 7th graders wrote responses to 5 questions.

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The Real Hip Hop

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When Kaari, Sanda and I walk into the Next Generation Center, the home of our current Bronx workshop, it's like walking into a house party. Hip hop and rap deejayed by kids from the center thumps just a little too loud. I keep thinking some adult is going to put the kabosh on this, but they don't seem phased.

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Someone to Tuck Me In

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Raymond Henderson and his sister live with the home health attendant who cared for their mother as she was dying. She has offered to adopt them, so Raymond must make a decision. 

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My Mother vs. The Streets

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

In the past, hanging out with boys has gotten Jacuyra into trouble.
