Daljit Dhaliwal

Guest Host

Takeaway Guest Host Daljit Dhaliwal currently hosts Foreign Exchange, a Washington, D.C.,-based weekly international affairs program seen on PBS. She has covered many of the major international news stories of the last 10 years at the BBC, CNN, ITN and on PBS, and has interviewed a number of newsmakers, among them Yasser Arafat, Benazir Bhutto, Gerry Adams, Madeline Albright, Shimon Perez, Ehud Olmert, Vincente Fox, Sergei Lavrov and Charles Taylor. From 2002 to 2004, Daljit was based in Atlanta, where she anchored CNN International's Your World Today, a daily, two-hour live news broadcast, and hosted the weekend edition of World Report, CNN's longest running program. She made her American television debut in 1996 as anchor for the daily World News for Public Television, seen throughout the United States. Daljit was also a regular co-anchor for ITN's prime-time network newscast Channel Four News and a prime-time anchor for ITN's 24-hour news channel. While at ITN, she also anchored World Focus, a weekly international news program. Before working for ITN, Daljit was an anchor for BBC World and before that a local TV news reporter for the BBC, which included an assignment in Northern Ireland pre-ceasefire. She has moderated several United Nations conferences in New York and The Hague. Daljit has hosted WIDE ANGLE, the Emmy Award-winning international documentary PBS series, and has appeared as a guest host of numerous public broadcasting news and interview programs, including Charlie Rose, On the Media and The Brian Lehrer Show. She lives in New York.

Daljit Dhaliwal appears in the following:

An automobile marriage of Chrysler and Fiat

Friday, May 01, 2009

Chrysler is getting another chance to rewrite its business plan and this time it's with Fiat, the Italian car company known for zippy sports cars that are far from that of Detroit V-8...

Comments [1]

An extended weekend for Mexico as the country shuts down

Friday, May 01, 2009

Mexican officials announced this week a total shutdown of the entire country in response to the outbreak of influenza A H1-N1, better known as the swine flu. Offices, restaurants, sch...


This week's news that wasn't

Friday, May 01, 2009

This week news congealed around three stories: The swine flu outbreak, Senator Specter’s departure from the Republican Party and President Obama’s first 100 days in office. But in a w...


Keeping Earth cool with cool colors, man

Friday, May 01, 2009

Everybody is trying to do their part to reduce the effects of climate change. But most of us are also probably hoping for some major shifts in our energy infrastructure to make the b...


The role Justice Souter played in court

Friday, May 01, 2009

Justice David Souter is planning to retire after more than 19 years on the Supreme Court, giving President Obama his first chance to fill a vacancy. What was Souter known for, and wha...


Schools close due to swine flu outbreak

Friday, May 01, 2009

Hundreds of schools nationwide received unexpected vacation days this week for thousands of school kids because of concerns about swine flu. In Fort Worth, Texas, all 144 schools were...

Comments [2]

Giddy Up! The Kentucky Derby is not just fancy hats and mint juleps

Friday, May 01, 2009

This Saturday marks the 135th running of The Kentucky Derby. If you don't know anything about the Kentucky Derby, except that women wear big hats and spectators drink mint juleps then...

Comments [1]

Chrysler takes the Studebaker road

Friday, May 01, 2009

Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy yesterday. It was the first major automaker since Studebaker in 1933 to attempt to restructure under bankruptcy. Three years later, Studebake...


The WHO renames 'swine flu'

Friday, May 01, 2009

The World Health Organization announced yesterday that they no longer will be referring to swine flu as the "swine flu" after receiving constant pressure from the meat industry. Its ...

Comments [2]

Update on swine flu death in Texas

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The spokeswoman for Houston's Department of Health and Human Services, Kathy Barton, told the Houston Chronicle a few details about the child who succumbed to the flu, marking the fir...


Update on Arlen Specter's press conference

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Senator Arlen Specter shocked the political scene yesterday when he announced that after 29 years as a Republican, he was switching teams. His move puts the Democrats in position to h...


Continue not panicking: Keeping the flu in perspective

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The first death from swine flu outside of Mexico occurred this morning in the United States when a toddler died from the flu. The flu is spreading across the globe. Germany confirmed ...


Stopping the flu at the border

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The outbreak of swine flu is spreading across the globe, with cases confirmed from Mexico to Israel to New Zealand. Fears of a pandemic have prompted many nations, including ours, to ...


The challenge of naming a flu

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What to name the flu that is raising alarms across the globe is becoming a complex issue. See, pork producers object to use of the name "swine flu", particularly in light of the fact ...


Paul Krugman on lessons from the financial crisis

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Paul Krugman joins The Takeaway today with lessons to be learned from the latest financial crisis, a topic he has covered in his latest book The Return of Depression Economics and the...


Swine flu claims a life in the U.S.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Center for Disease Control has just confirmed the first swine flu-related death in the United States. Despite the CDC's warning that deaths would occur in the United States, the n...


Voters assess President Obama's first 100 days

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To assess President Obama’s first 100 days, we’re going to the experts—the men and women who thought long and hard about his qualifications: the voters. We’re checking back in with th...


Arlen Specter's switcheroo

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shell-shocked Republicans are still reeling after losing one of their own to the Democratic party. After years of being wooed, Sen. Arlen Specter decided it was time to cross the aisl...


Texas case challenges Voting Rights Act in Supreme Court

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Supreme Court will hear a challenge today that goes to the heart of the Voting Rights Act. This landmark piece of legislation was enacted in 1965 to prevent racial discrimination ...

Comments [1]

Virus hunters chase down the swine flu

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The world has found a new strain of flu, so now what? Enter the virus hunters. This pack of epidemiologists, virologists, and infectious disease experts (sounds like a fun party) are ...
