Dana Rubinstein appears in the following:
City Hall & City Council Report
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Where Will NYC Casinos Be Located?
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
City Workers Are Back in the Buildings
Thursday, September 16, 2021
What Airbnb Could Learn from Uber
Friday, November 04, 2016
Monday Morning Politics: Domino, Charters, de Blasio and More
Monday, March 03, 2014
Dana Rubinstein, Capital New York political reporter, and Errol Lewis, NY1's host of Road to City Hall, set the week in local politics, from Bill de Blasio's counter-proposal for the Domino Sugar development, his moves to close some charters schools, and more.
Anticipating Bill De Blasio's Policy Positions
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
While Bill de Blasio has been very clear where he stands on certain issues, he has not yet taken a public stand on a number of other policy decisions. Dana Rubenstein, reporter for Capital New York, and Andrea Bernstein, Metro Editor for WNYC News, provide their predictions for the new mayor.
30 Issues in 30 Days: Taxi!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
It's Transportation Week on the Brian Lehrer Show's election series "30 issues in 30 Days." See the full 30 Issues schedule and archive here.
How will hailing a cab change under the next mayor? Capital New York reporter Dana Rubinstein talks about the issues of medallion and livery cabs, owners' vs. drivers' concerns, Manhattan vs. "outer boroughs" and what the next mayor will do.