Rep. Edolphus Towns appears in the following:
Meet the Candidates: New York's 10th U.S. Congressional District
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Edolphus Towns, U.S. Congressman representing the 10th District in New York, and Kevin Powell, candidate for Congress, discuss their bid for NY's 10th Congressional District seat.
Chair of Oversight Committee on Fraud, Waste in Afghanistan
Monday, August 09, 2010
Since General David Petraeus took over command of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan more than a month ago, one of his top priorities has been rooting out corruption there. He has intensified efforts to uncover bribery in the Afghan government and watch the workings of U.S. contracting practices. Last week, he was joined in his efforts by Congressman Edolphus Towns, the chair of the House Oversight Committee. The New York Democrat just returned from a trip to Afghanistan where he visited with Petraeus to investigate waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars.