I’m Peruvian. I'm born in Brooklyn and 20yrs old. Everyone calls me Eddie or E-tune. I enjoy spending time with family, making music (rapper), and learning new things. All I want in life is to be successful doing what I love to do. I'm studying Music Recording Technology at LaGuardia Community College.
Edward Munoz appears in the following:
High School Sports & The Pressure to Please
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The dream of a successful career in high school athletics is often the mixed dreams of an innocent child eager to please a parent who never made it to the pros.
Sometimes Leaving A Youth Sport Is A Family Affair
Monday, October 20, 2014
Edward Munoz grew up a soccer phenom and his family invested in making him a success. School suffered, so he quit playing two years ago but only recently talked with his father about that decision.
Eyes Off the Goal: When Sports Rule and School Suffers
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fresh grass. Freedom. Success. That was the sensation Edward Munoz experienced every time he walked onto a soccer field. But in school, he felt like he wasn’t meant to be there.