F.S.C. Northrop was an influential expert in philosophy, science, anthropology and law.
Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop ( (November 27, 1893–July 21, 1992) was born in Janesville, Wisconsin and graduated from Beloit College in 1915. His graduate work at Yale was interrupted by his WWI service and his work in China, and he later received his doctorate from Harvard. While teaching philosophy and law at Yale from 1923 to 1962 he wrote innumerable articles and several books, many of which pondered the relationship between science and politics in the Cold War era. His 1946 book The Meeting of East and West has been reprinted 10 times and translated into three languages.
F. S. C. Northrop appears in the following:
Cultural Mentalities and Medical Science
Wednesday, January 04, 1956

Three ways in which cultural anthropology can help medical science.