Gisele Regatao appears in the following:
One NY Artist: Theater Producer Daryl Roth
Saturday, October 12, 2013
There are thousands of artists in New York City. Some are famous internationally. Others are scratching out a living while perfecting their craft in basements or on stage. WNYC is bringing a few of them to the spotlight, in their own voices.
Women Made Out of Animals, Machines and Monsters
Saturday, October 12, 2013
A Kenyan-born, Brooklyn-based artist is getting her first American museum show.
Weekend Staff Picks: Ladies Football, Open Houses & Oktoberfest
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Need something to do this weekend? Our staff picks include watching a weekly game of all women's flag football in Prospect Park.
Art Talk: Taking Pictures Inside Museums — Creative or Crass?
Friday, October 11, 2013
Museum-goers, be warned. If you try to take a photograph at the Magritte show at the Museum of Modern Art, or the Robert Indiana exhibit at the Whitney Museum, a uniformed guard will come rushing out and sternly instruct you: "No photographs!"
Broomsticks, Marbles and Plastic Bottles as Art
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Marbles, broomsticks and plastic bottles with colorful water. Those are some of the favorite materials used by New York artist Tony Feher, on view in a new show at the Bronx Museum.
Burden Brings Motorcycles, Crane Trucks and Toys to New Museum
Saturday, October 05, 2013
The artist who got an assistant to shoot him in the arm in the '70s has a new show with toys and trucks in New York City.
Two Exhibits Show Different Sides of Brazilian Art
Saturday, October 05, 2013
As Brazil is getting ready to host two major international sports events in the next three years — the World Cup and the Olympics — the country is also drawing the attention of the art world.
Weekend Staff Picks: Smoking Monkeys, Block Parties & Chile Peppers
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Here is a sampling of the events our colleagues are checking out around town this weekend.
You Too, Brutus, a Woman?
Friday, October 04, 2013
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a violent cautionary tale about the abuse of power. Moliere’s The Learned Ladies is a genial satire about social and intellectual pretension. As WNYC’s Sarah Montague reports, each is being interpreted this season in an unusual way: with all women casts.
Carnegie Hall Strike Is Over
Friday, October 04, 2013
The labor dispute that caused Carnegie Hall to cancel its opening night gala this week has come to an end. The company says it's reached an agreement with the stagehands union.
Carnegie Hall Cancels Opening Night Concert After Union Strike
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

There will be no opening night concert at Carnegie Hall on Wednesday. The organization has canceled its season-opening performance after a strike by the local stagehands union.
some of them make more tan 400-thousand a year....some more...than finance director ...
Critics Pick: A Very Shakespeare Stage This Fall
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
This autumn, the Bard is on Broadway with several new Shakespeare performances. Some big name stars are making appearances, including two known for recent appearances as rival super heroes in the X-Men movies.
One NY Artist: Photographer Lizabeth Nieves
Saturday, September 28, 2013
There are thousands of artists in New York City. Some are famous internationally. Others are scratching out a living while perfecting their craft in basements or on stage. WNYC is bringing a few of them to the spotlight, in their own voices.
City Opera Struggles to Raise $7 Million By Monday
Friday, September 27, 2013
The people's opera might go belly up. The New York City Opera has until Monday to reach its fundraising goal of $7 million, or it will begin bankruptcy proceedings.
Art Talk: What Does "LOVE" Have To Do With It?
Friday, September 27, 2013
There is no lack of paintings that show mountains or human figures. What's in this week? Paintings with words.
Fall TV: It Stinks, But It Has Potential
Thursday, September 26, 2013
After a summer of re-runs and reality programs, the five major networks are rolling out a whole new roster of shows. But Slate's TV Critic Willa Paskin says the fall TV season stinks.
Inside the Homes of the Spanish Colonial Elite
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Art and household items from the homes of Spanish elite in colonial Latin America are now in the Brooklyn Museum.
Photos Documenting NYC Latino Experience To Be Digitized by Columbia
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Five thousand pictures documenting Hispanics in New York City will be preserved by Columbia University. The photos, from El Diario/La Prensa's archives from 1978 to 2001, will be digitized and indexed, and will be accessible through the university's library.
One NY Artist: Choreographer Takehiro Ueyama
Saturday, September 21, 2013
There are thousands of artists in New York City. Some are famous internationally. Others are scratching out a living while perfecting their craft in basements or on stage. WNYC is bringing a few of them to the spotlight, in their own voices.
Shipping Containers as Photo Galleries
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Forty-five shipping containers full of pictures are parked at Brooklyn Bridge Park. They are part of the pop-up photography show Photoville.