Dr. Harry Kruse was a biochemist and nutritionist who held influential posts in the city of New York.
Dr. Harry Dayton Kruse (1900-1977) held degrees from several institutions, including Dickinson College and Johns Hopkins, where he taught from 1928 to 1937. He also worked at the Milbank Memorial Fund and with the New York Academy of Medicine. In 1968 he became director of the research and planning division for the Medical Society of the State of New York, and in 1972 medical director of the Medical World News. He also served as a member of Mayor Wagner's Committee on Narcotics Addiction and Mayor Lindsay's Task Force on Air Pollution.
H. D. Kruse appears in the following:
Public Health Aspects of Aging
Wednesday, October 19, 1955

How are public health institutions coping with an increasingly aging population?