Holland Taylor

Holland Taylor appears in the following:

Politicians of Different Generations in 'N/A'

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Holland Taylor, Ana Villafañe, and playwright Mario Correa join us to discuss the show 'N/A' which is now playing at Lincoln Center through September 1st. 


Holland Taylor and Ana Villafañe Star as Politicians of Different Generations in 'N/A'

Thursday, June 27, 2024

In the new play "N/A," Holland Taylor stars as N, a longtime Democratic Representative and former Speaker of the House, who spars with A, played by Ana Villafañe.


Holland Taylor Steps Off Her Island

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Actress Holland Taylor built a reputation by playing self-assured characters who keep others at a distance. But in her personal life, she says she's ready to take a chance on love. 

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