James Ramsay

Digital Producer

James Ramsay is a Digital Producer and the writer of WNYC's Morning Brief, Politics Brief, and We The Commuters newsletters. 

James Ramsay appears in the following:

I'm Walkin' Here: An Essential Guide to NYC Sidewalk Behavior

Thursday, May 02, 2024

With a population of over 8 million, there are a diversity of viewpoints in New York City. But not when it comes to sidewalk behavior. 

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We set out to define New York City sidewalk etiquette and received more than 400 answers

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Keep to the right. Don’t spit. Don’t walk in a line of three. Give seniors the right-of-way. But also: Relax and don’t let sidewalk shenanigans ruin your day?

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How to shop in person in NYC (and stop ordering everything on the internet)

Monday, March 11, 2024

Next time you’re standing in line at the post office to return stuff, remember that walking into a store and finding cool items can be really fun.


Is double parking legal in NYC? No, but here’s how drivers do it ‘politely.’

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Although double parking is illegal in New York City, look down virtually any street and you’ll see that drivers have largely decided that “a parking spot” is wherever they want it to be.


NYC Movie Theaters Reopening Explained

Thursday, March 04, 2021

James Ramsay on NYC movie theaters reopening.

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How One Wheelchair User Conquers The Sometimes Accessible NYC Transit System

Thursday, January 23, 2020

For all the talk about New York City’s lack of accessible transit, Katherine Valdez, who uses a wheelchair, moved to New York largely because of the subway.


What's Your L Train Shutdown Survival Plan?

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Leave for school early? Stay home? Find a totally different home? Here's how some Brooklynites are preparing for the 15-month closure of the L train tunnel.

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Gave Up on Your New Year's Resolution? Piggy Back on Ours!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

WNYC's Morning Edition team decided back in January to make stretching a daily habit. Six months in, we've perfected our routine, and we're honored to share it with the world.

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Fleet Week Turns a Page

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The 30th annual Fleet Week is underway, which means thousands of sailors have descended on New York City for diving demos, ship tours, and story time with some Brooklyn tykes.


The Senior Games Cruises Through Its Infancy

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The third annual NYC Parks Senior Games took over a hip club in Gowanus for Wednesday's shuffleboard competition.


Welcome Back, Fair-Weather Ferry Fans

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

With temperatures destined for the mid 80s this week, New Yorkers are about to get a friendly reminder of what a sweaty subway platform is like. Or, you could maybe take a boat.

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Curved Escalators, Penthouse Elevators, Giant Wheels, and Other Sweet Ways New Yorkers Get Up and Down

Friday, April 13, 2018

"Elevator Report 2017" is here. And if you thought elevators were sad little boxes where strangers go to avoid eye contact with each other, think again.

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For a Pleasant Commute, Talk Up a Stranger

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

We know the MTA's rule: If you see something suspicious, say something. Otherwise, is there any good reason to take off your headphones and talk to someone? Social science says, totally.

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Pickleball Migrates North for the Senior Games

Friday, March 30, 2018

It's all the rage in Florida. Now, seniors in Brooklyn are taking up the sport, just in time for the NYC Parks Senior Games. Will Brooklyn love pickleball the way it loves pickles?

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When Marching Isn't Enough, Some Political Teens Say, Run

Thursday, March 22, 2018

David Oks, a Westchester teen who organized his school's walkout following the Parkland shooting, ran for mayor last fall. Here's his advice for others looking to get into politics.


Quiz: Why Does Treating Diabetes Cost So Much?

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation found diabetes to be the most expensive condition in terms of total dollars spent nationwide. Take our quiz to learn why.


Quiz: Do You Know the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

With the numbers of type 2 cases skyrocketing, and a growing number of adults being diagnosed as type 1, even doctors are having a hard time keeping track of what’s what. 

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Quiz: How Can Diabetes Be Treated?

Monday, March 05, 2018

From group classes to personalized care, the future of diabetes treatment shows that our country's fastest-growing chronic disease doesn't have a one size fits all solution.

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Would a Chocolate MetroCard Sweeten Your Hellish Commute?

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The advocacy group Riders Alliance has started a contest called Worst Commute of the Week, and the winner gets a candy MetroCard. Here's what earned the inaugural winner the top prize.

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'Can I Get a Swipe?' Can We Get in Trouble?

Monday, February 12, 2018

With Mayor de Blasio now at odds with some progressives over the issue of subway fare evasion, we're revisiting an age old question: Should you offer to swipe in a stranger?

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