Jason Reynolds is crazy.
About stories.
After earning a BA in English from The University of Maryland, College Park, he moved to Brooklyn, New York, where you can often find him walking the four blocks from the train to his apartment talking to himself. Well, not really talking to himself, but just repeating character names and plot lines he thought of on the train, over and over again, because he’s afraid he’ll forget it all before he gets home. He is the author of the critically acclaimed When I Was the Greatest and The Boy in the Black Suit. You can find his ramblings at JasonWritesBooks.com.
Jason Reynolds appears in the following:
96-year-old weather observer retires after measuring rainfall for more than 5 decades
Monday, September 26, 2022
For more than 50 years, Dorothy Stebbins has been a Volunteer Weather Watcher, measuring rainfall in Ohio for the flood control district. Now the 96-year-old is turning her duties over to her son.
Jason Reynolds Needs to Be Useful
Monday, July 18, 2022
The YA author talks about his successes, fears, and his new podcast that explores his relationship with his mother.
A Remix of 'Stamped From the Beginning'
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Ibram X. Kendi and Jason Reynolds on the young adult adaptation of Kendi's book, "Stamped From the Beginning."
Brooklyn Bound: Writing Kings County
Thursday, December 25, 2014

In September, four Brooklyn-based writers sat down to talk about the borough that inspired them most as part of a WNYC Brooklyn Book Festival Bookend event at the Brooklyn Museum.
WNYC Events
Brooklyn Bound: Writing Kings County
Thursday, September 18, 2014
7:00 PM
Join WNYC for a panel conversation with four of Brooklyn's best new emerging writers!