Avid public radio fan, reader and writer Jennie Cronin is a recent graduate of the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
Jennie Cronin appears in the following:
‘Making The Wheels Go Round’: The New York Tuberculosis and Health Association's 1931 Christmas Stamp
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Honorable William F. Hagarty on the Benefits of Exercise, December 1931
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

“May heaven speed the day when the length and breadth of our United States shall be peopled with men and women, and boys and girls, solely by those of this type: strong bodied, true hearted, big souled patriots, athletes all for the land they love and the God they worship.”
‘The World Has Suffered Many Losses through Time’: Environmental Conservation and The Passenger Pigeon, December 1931
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Most of us are familiar with the sad story of the passenger pigeon: the North American bird whose immense numbers (believed to have been up to forty percent of the wild bird population) and intensely social habits (being unable to thrive or breed successfully in small groups) prevented its recovery ...
‘Depression or No Depression’: Bronx Hospital Needs Donations to Open, December 1931
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Imagine a newly constructed hospital with room for over 300 occupants, sitting idle and standing empty in a time of great need.
By the mid-1920s the Bronx Hospital, originally founded in 1911, had outgrown its original facility and began construction on a state-of-the art hospital at Fulton Avenue and 169th ...