Jessy is a public safety reporter at WNYC and Gothamist.
Jessy Edwards appears in the following:
An Investigation Into Accusations of Serial Sexual Abuse on Rikers Island
Thursday, August 08, 2024
Jessy Edwards on the allegations of serial sexual abuse of women who say they were abused at Rosie's (the women's jail) on Rikers Island and whether the City is investigating the claims.
Lawmakers respond to sexual abuse allegations at Rikers Island
Saturday, March 30, 2024

New York lawmakers respond to WNYC investigation that reveals decades of alleged abuse in the Rikers Island women's jail.
Alleged Abuse at Rikers Comes to Light
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Inside the investigation into alleged systemic sexual abuse on Rikers Island.
Late-night sex assaults. Invasive searches. The 700+ women alleging abuse at Rikers.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

At least 719 people filed lawsuits against the Department of Correction and the city alleging they were sexually assaulted while at Rikers.
New boss named for troubled Rikers Island jails as possible federal takeover looms
Monday, December 11, 2023

An eight-year veteran of the Department of Correction who cites having a “healthy moral compass” as a personal virtue will lead New York City's jails.
A rapper made 2 viral music videos on Rikers Island. Experts say it might make him a target.
Sunday, November 19, 2023

Brownsville rapper Taquan Jones was in his Rikers Island jail cell one day when he had a big idea. Instead of waiting for news on his case, he could make a music video.
A new NYC commission is charged with making sure Rikers is closed by 2027
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams reappointed the Independent Rikers Commission to get the plan to close Rikers “back on course.”