Kateri Jochum appears in the following:
The "Threateners" Responsible for More Than 100 Bomb Threats at the University of Pittsburgh
Thursday, April 26, 2012
There have been over 100 bomb threats in the past few months at the University of Pittsburgh by a group calling themselves the "Threateners." The threats have turned university life upside down in the weeks leading up to graduation. Andrew Shull is the News Editor at The Pitt News, the independent student newspaper at the University of Pittsburgh. He joins us to discuss the threats and how student life has been affected on campus.
Searching for the First Milk Carton Boy, Etan Patz
Friday, April 20, 2012
Las Vegas: the "Single Dad" City
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sin City has a new claim to fame, with the highest per capita rate of single fathers than any other city in America. Franz Strasser, a reporter for our partner the BBC, spoke to some of those single dads in Las Vegas.
Tennessee Women's Basketball Coach Pat Summitt's Legacy
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Today's Showdown on the Morning News Ratings War: Couric v. Palin
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Sharon Waxman Talks All Things Media
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sharon Waxman, founder of the Hollywood and media analysis website TheWrap.com, joins us to discuss the latest in the media world, including the $200 million estimated loss for the Disney sci-fi epic John Carter, Apple's $100 billion cash reserve, the ongoing conversation around Kony2012, and the fact or fiction of playwright Mike Daisey's show on the working conditions at Apple supplier factories.
Republican Candidates Look to Illinois Primary
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Now that the Alabama and Mississippi Republican primaries are over, the candidates are setting their sights on the next big state: Illinois. Except for the densely populated area around Chicago, Illinois tends to be a fairly conservative state. With 69 delegates up for grabs and a chance to criticize President Obama on his home turf, the candidates will likely continue to ramp up their rhetoric to sway Midwestern voters.
Rising Gas Prices: Political Repercussions
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The national average for a gallon of regular gas is now $3.81 and climbing. As prices rise voters and politicians are more likely to blame the sitting president. But Obama, in his defense, says that this same cycle of blame has been going on for decades. And he's right, according to our Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich. For example, drilling in ANWAR is proposed every few years or more by republicans. Democrats, for their part, propose taxing large oil companies and opening the strategic petroleum reserve. Unfortunately, none of those proposals would do much for the global price of a gallon of gas.
UN Special Rapportuer: Solitary Confinement is Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Eighth Amendment declares that "cruel and unusual punishment" may not be inflicted on prisoners. But does solitary confinement constitute cruel and unusual punishment? In a new report looking at the imprisonment of Bradley Manning, the soldier suspected of leaking confidential military documents to the whistleblowing website Wikileaks, the UN Special Rapporteuer on Torture, Juan Mendez, says that it does. Having just completed a 14-month investigation, Mendez concludes that keeping Manning locked up alone for 23 hours a day over an 11-month period might have constituted torture and has formally accused the U.S. government of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment towards Bradley Manning.
The Tweets of Super Tuesday
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
The dialogue of the 2012 election has been defined in a large part through social media, and Super Tuesday was no different. Republican presidential candidates, journalists, and voters from across the country tweeted yesterday about their opinions of the GOP primary race.
McCain Calls for Military Action in Syria
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
The Syrian National Council has formed a military body to serve the role of Defense Ministry and to coordinate rebel factions. But not all of the rebels are onboard yet, and the SNC is looking to the west for funding and weapons. In a speech Monday on the senate floor, John McCain called on the U.S. to lead an effort to help the rebels. The Obama administration is in a tight position. The president is expected to give a speech later today with a decision on how the U.S. should approach the SNC.
Ojibwe Language Thrives in Minnesota
Thursday, February 23, 2012
A small town in Minnesota is trying to make a big change. The people of Bemidji, Minnesota are building bridges between the white and the Native communities by making the signs in public buildings and many businesses both in Ojibwe and English.
Republicans Duke It Out with Attack Ads
Thursday, February 16, 2012
With the Michigan primary almost two weeks away, Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are waging war against each other through televised attacks ads. On Wednesday, Rick Santorum responded to a Super PAC funded Romney ad that claimed he was a "big spender" by depicting Romney as "Rombo." A Mitt Romney look-a-like, "Rombo," is seen shooting mud with a machine gun at cardboard pop-ups of Rick Santorum.
America Gets a Pep Talk From Tough Guy Clint Eastwood
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Sunday's Chrysler Super Bowl ad caused some political reaction, but maybe America needs a pep talk from America's outlaw and tough guy Clint Eastwood. Host John Hockenberry looks at the Eastwood speech in the context of his epic career and America's need for some tough love in these troubled times. Half time in America? Maybe, but we could sure use some encouragement from Clint.
Learn to Talk Football with The Takeaway
Friday, February 03, 2012
While football may have supplanted baseball as the national pastime, it's not necessarily a universal language. Perhaps you carelessly yell "foul!" during the game, don't fully understand what the "end zone" is, or mistakenly throw up your arms when the opposing team gets a touchback. But fear not: The Takeaway will teach you how to sound smart on Super Bowl Sunday.
Florida Primary Told in Tweets
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Political die-hards know how to truly gauge the mood of the country this primary season. You have to keep one eye on the television and one eye on Twitter. Sure you can read the story in the paper the next day, but the excitement develops in real time through a stream-of-conscious and subconscious that comes right into our laptops and iPhones. Takeaway co-host John Hockenberry takes a look at how the story of Florida's GOP primary unfolded on the ubiquitous social media tool.
Possible Deal in Wall Street Protest Arrests
Monday, October 24, 2011
Lawyers representing more than 30 of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators arrested during protests on the Brooklyn Bridge and Union Square said the Manhattan District Attorney's office is offering a deal.
Failing Gym: One School Struggles to Meet Standards
Monday, October 17, 2011
Failing Gym: One School Struggles to Meet State Standards
Friday, October 14, 2011

A recent audit by the City Comptroller has revealed that elementary schools in the city are not complying with state requirements for physical education. The comptroller found that the Department of Education is not informing, mandating, or monitoring physical education in elementary schools. Even schools that are trying hard are finding it difficult to meet the requirements. Hear about how one city school trying to its students moving and share your own P.E. stories. Go to SchoolBook.
Residents in Red Hook Show Defiance in the Face of Hurricane Irene
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Eggs and toast or yogurt and granola: that's all that's on the "Hurricane Menu" Saturday morning at restaurant and pub Fort Defiance in Red Hook, Brooklyn, one of many neighborhoods in the flood zone where residents have been issued a mandatory evacuation order ahead of Hurricane Irene.