Kyle Spencer appears in the following:
How a High School Gets Students to Graduation, Against Many Odds
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Manhattan school that serves mostly homeless kids is on track to surpass the city's overall graduation rate this year. Turns out their secret sauce is surprisingly simple.
Race, Class, and School Segregation 60 years after Brown v. Board of Education
Monday, July 14, 2014
A look at the whether school segregation is making a comeback across the country.
PTAs Rally to Assist Sandy Relief Efforts
Monday, November 05, 2012
The well-oiled volunteer network of parents involved in their local PTAs sprung into action after Sandy to put their fund-raising and outreach expertise to good use, often miles beyon...
Hundreds of Parents Sign Petition Critical of NEST+M Principal
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Discord between parents and the principal at the New Explorations Into Science, Technology and Math High School reached a discomfiting peak this week when more than 500 parents and fa...
Court Denies City's Revocation of Williamsburg School's Charter
Thursday, June 28, 2012
UPDATED | In a ruling announced on Thursday, Judge Ellen M. Spodek of State Supreme Court in Brooklyn wrote that the city's decision this year to revoke Williamsburg Charter High Scho...
This Could Be the Foodiest School in New York
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Many public schools incorporate food — its production, nutritional value and place in the larger culture — into their curriculums, And at certain private schools lunchtime can include...
Despite End-of-Year Confusion, Attendance Was on Par With Last Year
Thursday, June 28, 2012
According to Department of Education officials, attendance on Wednesday was at 79.4 percent, a mere .2 percentage points lower than the rate for the last day of school in 2011 -- desp...
For Graduates of City's New Schools, Tradition Is What They Say It Is
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
For students, being part of a new school meant designing the student council, instituting annual traditions during the school year, deciding on school colors, school cheers and events...
For City Parents, Frustration Over Rising Cost of Public School
Monday, June 25, 2012
Despite the long-held ideal that public education should be free, parents in New York City are finding themselves paying for an increasing number of things, like class trips and basic supplies.
Walcott: Don't Penalize Parents Who Raise Money for Their Schools
Friday, June 22, 2012
In an interview in April to mark his first anniversary as chancellor, Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott said the Fund for Public Schools can be an equalizer when it comes to disparities in...
Looking for a Job? Chances Are, the PTA Is Hiring
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
There is no centralized accounting of how many New Yorkers owe their livelihood to public school PTAs. But parent association Web sites -- which often include lists of the activities ...
As War of Words Continues, Change Not Likely in Teacher Discipline
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
In all the sound and fury over Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott's demand for more power to fire teachers for sexual misconduct, there is little likelihood that Albany will be addressing t...
City Moves Ahead to Replace Staff at 24 Failing Schools
Monday, June 18, 2012
As the city prepares to shut down 24 failing schools and reopen them in the fall as newly imagined institutions, close to 3,000 New York City public school teachers received letters M...
A Garden? Chess? PTAs Face Choices About How to Spend Parent Money
Friday, June 15, 2012
As coffers swell -- or as schools in low-income communities try to figure out how to stretch their budgets -- PTA officers and other parents are prioritizing the use of parents' money...
More Pre-K Seats Open for Bid, Starting Monday
Friday, June 15, 2012
Parents shut out of their prekindergarten of choice will have a second chance to apply, starting Monday, when 2,000 or so available seats will become open for bids. The schools that s...
Walcott Seizes on Charges of Sexual Abuse in Harlem School
Friday, June 15, 2012
UPDATED | Schools Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott said Friday that the arrest of a third-grade teacher at a Harlem public school, the latest in a slate of school arrests involving sexual...
City Official on Special Ed Plan: 'This Is Going Forward'
Thursday, June 14, 2012
City officials said its new citywide special education plan, which is supposed to take effect in the fall, is moving forward. Staff training is ongoing. Better communication is on the...
In New Book, Success Academy Operator Promotes Charter Schools and Offers Advice
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Eva Moskowitz has written a book based on her experiences with the Success Academy Charter schools that is part polemic on school choice, part how-to guide and part personal memoir. I...
At Two City Schools, Parents' Money Leads to Two Very Different Experiences
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Parents at P.S. 89 in Manhattan pay for laptops, a dance program, a chess club, upgrades to the gym and the library, music and art programs, and a playground assistant. They give teac...
City Urged to Slow Down on Special Ed Plans
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A citywide special education plan that aims to put New York City more in step with other school districts around the country by including those students in general education classroom...