Latif Nasser appears in the following:
Pigeons Have Magnets...Right?
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
There have been at least two major shake-ups in the world of pigeon navigation since we first tried to wrap our brains around the subject in our Lost & Found episode. Blogger Latif Na...
Ghost in the machine
Friday, June 29, 2012
When the 17-year-old crown prince of Spain, Don Carlos, fell down a set of stairs in 1562, he threw his whole country into a state of uncertainty about the future.
Ghost Stories
Friday, June 29, 2012
Real-life people try to pin down—and make peace with—mysterious figures that haunt them, prod them, and fade out of existence.
The Idiosyncratic Ida C. Craddock: A Sexy Ghost Story
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Latif Nasser recounts a strange tale of 19th century scandal and spirituality. Read the article (and check out a belly dancing video from the late 1800s) here.
Butterflies in the Belfry
Monday, April 23, 2012
Latif Nasser makes an unexpected discovery in a psych ward in Denmark--an unusual museum full of stunning artifacts. Read more, and check out a ton of photos.
Linnaeus Had No Spam Filter
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
While visiting Sweden, Latif Nasser encountered the spirit of a long-dead legend of taxonomy. And he found himself wondering about an age-old puzzle: how do you savor the mystery of n...
How do you solve a problem like Fritz Haber?
Monday, January 09, 2012
How do you square the idea of a bad person who does great good?
The Bad Show
Monday, January 09, 2012
We wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape.