Laura Sydell


Laura Sydell appears in the following:

The Most Talked About Tech And Culture Trends At SXSW Interactive

Monday, March 11, 2013

Everywhere you walk in downtown Austin, Texas, new names compete for the attention of the tens of thousands wandering the SXSW Interactive festival. Which of this year's emerging ideas and brands — MakerBot, Leap Motion, Geomagic — will break into mainstream consciousness? Here's a quick rundown of the conversation topics ...


Controlling Your Computer With A Wave Of Your Hand

Monday, March 11, 2013

If you've had wrist and shoulder pain from clicking a mouse, relief may be in sight. This spring, a new motion sensing device will go on sale that will make it possible for the average computer user to browse the Web and open documents with a wave of a finger.



Tech Week Ahead: SXSW Interactive

Monday, March 04, 2013


Yet Another Shift In Facebook Policies Raises Privacy Concerns

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Facebook has a long history of upsetting its users by suddenly announcing a change to its privacy settings. In 2009, as a way to quiet the critics, Facebook set up a system for its cu...


How Musicians Make Money (By The Fraction Of A Cent) On Spotify

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The streaming music service offers millions of songs to millions of users, but it's not yet a reliable source of income for musicians.


New Yahoo CEO Among A Rare Few: Female Execs With Tech Creds

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Marissa Mayer, the new CEO of Yahoo, is not the first woman to head a high-profile technology company. But the former Google executive is one of the few female computer scientists to ...


Soon Facebook Growth Will Be About Users Clocking In More Time

Thursday, February 02, 2012

As the number of new Facebook users plateaus, the company will have to find ways to draw individual users in for longer periods of time if it hopes to keep ad profits growing.


Facebook Announces New Partnerships For Music, Movies And TV

Thursday, September 22, 2011

With its new sharing features that lean on companies like Spotify, Netflix and Hulu, Facebook hopes to become the social center for entertainment and media.


Artists and the INS

Saturday, September 08, 2001

Producer Laura Sydell looks at the bureaucratic challenge of bringing foreign artists to the United States. 


Artist Wayne Thiebaud

Saturday, May 05, 2001

The artist Wayne Thiebaud is famous for his carefully-crafted paintings of the sugary, salty, fattening, mundane stuff we love: cakes, candied apples, pies, ice cream cones, bubble gum, sardines, hot dogs.


Sex, Lies and the Media; From House Seat to Anchor Chair: Susan Molinari

Sunday, June 01, 1997

Sex, lies, and the media: The case of Lt. Kelly Flinn.
