Mark Crispin Miller

Mark Crispin Miller appears in the following:

Subliminal Political Ads?; Congressional Hearings; Body Language; Olympic Coverage; Daily News Express; Confessions; UK Religious Broadcasting

Friday, September 15, 2000

Is the Bush campaign using subliminal advertising? Will you watch a tape delayed Olympics? The latest reality show - real criminals confessing their crimes.


CBS-Viacom; Email and Status; East Timor; Rupert Watch; Waco Documentary; Rural Radio; RIP: Allen Funt

Friday, September 10, 1999

The CBS-Viacom merger creates another media monolith. What does it mean for you? How will the mighty egos of Sumner Redstone and Mel Karmazin mesh?


Jonesboro School Shooting; Covering Africa; Publishing Mergers; War Crimes Trial, Chequebook Journalism; Trial Coverage

Friday, March 27, 1998

The Press Descends Upon Jonesboro, Arkansas After a School Shooting


PBS-Ads; Documentary Filmmaking

Sunday, June 15, 1997

Strange bedfellows: Rupert Murdoch and Pat Robertson and the ethics of documentary film making.


Rapid Response (hour 1); Radio Mega-Merger (hour 2)

Sunday, June 23, 1996

Spin before you get spun: The Clinton "rapid response" strategy.


Local TV News (hour 1); Alternative Media (hour 2)

Sunday, March 24, 1996

Hate local TV news? How to make it better.
