Mark Stephens appears in the following:
Should the Olympics Champion Gay Rights?
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Olympic Games are intended to be a celebration of athletics with politics set aside. But over the years, the Olympics have served as a political forum as much as they’ve served as...
WikiLeaks' Lawyer
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Mark Stephens, Julian Assange’s attorney, talks about the effects of Wikileaks on transparency and foreign policy.
Mark Stephens is taking part in a panel discussion this evening at Columbia Journalism School: Life After WikiLeaks: Who Won the Information War?
Wikileaks Advising Lawyer Mark Stephens on Latest Leak
Monday, November 29, 2010
Of the 250,000 documents currently being released by Wikileaks, many appear embarrassing to the U.S. State Department, and also offer some revelations about everything from Iran's nuclear capabilities to that country's relationship with North Korea. Some American lawmakers are calling for charging Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with criminal activity, while others are saying the documents' release is an important example of freedom of the press.