Marty Goldensohn appears in the following:
John Lindsay
Tuesday, October 05, 1982
John Lindsay reflects on his years as Mayor of New York City with Stuart Scheftel at Mortimer's Restaurant.
Sydney Gruson
Tuesday, January 01, 1980
Sydney Gruson was a reporter, editor, and executive at The New York Times between 1944 and 1986.
Northwest Bronx and Astoria Greek Festival
Tuesday, July 10, 1979
A look at the Northwest Bronx where an impressive community coalition is at work and a trip to Astoria, Queens where the party never ends.
School Closings & Fisherman in Sheepshead Bay
Tuesday, July 03, 1979
The Board of Education proposes closing 25 schools.and a visi to Sheepshead Bay, one of the last commercial fishing ports in the city.
8th Annual Conclave of National People's Action
Friday, June 22, 1979
Community Organizers gather in Washington, D.C.
Coterminality in Bensonhurst/Ukraine Festival
Friday, May 25, 1979
Besonhurst residents have an identity crisis and a street festival in little Ukraine
Columbia University Reactor
Tuesday, April 03, 1979
In the wake of the Three Mile Island accident, there are protests against the nuclear research reactor on the Columbia University campus.