Mary Tillman

Mary Tillman appears in the following:

A Mother's Mission

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pat Tillman's death in Afghanistan cut off a lucrative NFL career, and it took years for the circumstances of the friendly-fire tragedy to fully emerge. Mary Tillman, his mother and author of Boots on the Ground by Dusk: The Remarkable Life and Death of Pat Tillman, tells us about ...

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Final Salute

Monday, May 26, 2008

On Memorial Day, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Jim Sheeler recounts his year spent with the man responsible for the Marine's "casualty notification" - informing families that their loved one has died in combat. Also, Mary Tillman on her son's - former NFL player Pat Tillman - death in Iraq by friendly ...

A Mother's Story

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Mary Tillman, mother of former NFL-player Pat Tillman, discusses her investigation into her son's friendly-fire death in Afghanistan. Her new book is Boots on the Ground By Dusk.

Event: Mary Tillman will be speaking tonight at 7pm, Barnes and Noble at 82nd and Broadway. Details can ...

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