Melanie Meents

Melanie Meents appears in the following:

Paul Robeson Jr. Talks About His Father

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Eleanor Fischer interviews Paul Robeson Jr. about his father's life and legacy for a documentary program in 1971. 
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The Freedom Summer: Mississippi in 1964

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Eleanor Fischer reports on voter registration and racial tensions in rural Mississippi in 1964.
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Eleanor Fischer Reports on the Gay Liberation Movement

Thursday, June 01, 1972

Gay rights activists speak with Eleanor Fischer about the growing gay liberation movement, the importance of political activism for gay rights groups, and other issues during Gay Pride Week in June of 1972.


Interview with Pat Carbine: Co-founder of Ms. Magazine

Friday, April 28, 1972

Eleanor Fischer and Pat Carbine, co-founder of Ms. Magazine discuss the new publication, and what it will mean for women and the women's liberation movement at the time.


Sunday Bloody Sunday

Saturday, January 01, 1972

Interviews and dialogue with American supporters of the Irish and those that were in Northern Ireland on the day of the Bloody Sunday attack in 1972.


Attica Prison Uprising

Monday, November 01, 1971

Eleanor Fischer reports with a short program on the Attica Prison uprising in 1971 in Attica, New York and the outcome that followed.


Women's Liberation Panel Discussion

Thursday, January 01, 1970

Eleanor Fischer hosts a panel of women active in the women's liberation movement in 1970. They discuss their thoughts about the movement and the movement's objectors.


A Child is Dying: Drugs in New York City

Thursday, January 01, 1970

Drug use in the 1970s was a hot button issue. Eleanor Fischer tackles the subject through interviews and analyzing the facts.


Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee on Paul Robeson

Thursday, January 01, 1970

Eleanor Fischer speaks with Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee about Paul Robeson, his cultural contributions and impact on society.


From Watts to Newark

Monday, July 17, 1967

Eleanor Fischer reports on the racial tension and inequality that caused unrest in the later half of the 1960s just a few days after the riots in Newark, New Jersey.


Black Power Conference

Saturday, July 01, 1967

Eleanor Fischer's report on the First National Black Power conference in July of 1967. Was the conference successful in unifying attendees and pushing towards progress? Fischer hopes to find out.


Vietnam War Peace March

Saturday, April 15, 1967

Eleanor Fischer ventures into groups of Vietnam War protesters at a peace march in New York City in April of 1967.


Interview with Helen Vlachos

Sunday, January 01, 1967

Eleanor Fischer interviews Helen Vlachos, conservative Greek newspaper editor, after Vlachos decided to stop publishing her two newspapers due to the threat of censorship by the Greek government in 1967.


Interview with Melina Mercouri

Sunday, January 01, 1967

Melina Mercouri, Greek actress and activist, was interviewed right after the military coup in Greece. Eleanor Fischer asks her about her citizenship and Mercouri's opinions of the new government.


Interview with Dora Stratou

Sunday, January 01, 1967

Eleanor Fischer interviews Greek choreographer, Dora Stratou in 1967 after she was recognized for her lifetime devotion to the theater.


Interview with Four of the Friendship Nine in North Carolina

Sunday, January 01, 1961

Eleanor Fischer interviewed four of the young men who took a jail sentence instead of paying the fine when they were arrested for sitting at a segregated lunch counter.


Ralph Bunche Address

Friday, January 01, 1960

Ralph Bunche speaks in front of a group of people for an unknown event. He discusses American race relations and their impact globally.


Interview with Dr. Kenneth Clark

Friday, January 01, 1960

Eleanor Fischer interviews Dr. Kenneth Clark about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s practice of non-violence and his views on segregation from a psychological perspective.


Interview with Hoffman Hays, Author of The Dangerous Sex

Friday, January 01, 1960

Hoffman Hays, author of The Dangerous Sex: The Myth of Feminine Evil, talks with Eleanor Fischer about his book and the research he completed to write it.


Atlanta Student Civil Rights Sit-In

Friday, January 01, 1960

Black college students in Atlanta, Georgia discuss the student movement, what they've accomplished, and their goals for the future.
