Myo Myint Cho appears in the following:
Update on "Burma Soldier"
Monday, May 16, 2011
On Friday, Leonard spoke to filmmaker Annie Sundberg and democratic protestor Myo Myint Cho, who is the subject of Ms. Sundberg's film "Burma Soldier." The film premieres in the United States this Wednesday on HBO 2, but in Burma it's been shown in less conventional ways. The filmmakers, working with the Democratic Voice of Burma, made a Burmese language version of the film that has been pirated via satellite transmissions and other means into Burma. The filmmakers are encouraging people, says Sundberg, to "watch, duplicate and share the film in any way possible, from free DVD copies left in internet cafes to downloading and forwarding links to the film via email, with the goal of reaching as many Burmese as possible."
The film seeks to help Burmese better understand the 60-year civil war still unfolding in their country. Few Burmese have access to a non-government-approved version of their country's violent history.
Burma Soldier
Friday, May 13, 2011
Filmmaker Annie Sundberg and Myo Myint Cho, the subject of their documentary "Burma Soldier," discuss the history of Burma from 1948. The film talks about when the country gained independence from Britain, and shows how it became the nation it is today.