The New York Academy of Medicine advances the health of people in cities.
An independent organization since 1847, NYAM addresses the health challenges facing the world’s urban populations through interdisciplinary approaches to policy leadership, innovative research, evaluation, education, and community engagement. Drawing on the expertise of diverse partners worldwide and more than 2,000 elected Fellows from across the professions, the Academy’s current priorities are to create environments in cities that support healthy aging; to strengthen systems that prevent disease and promote the public’s health; to eliminate health disparities; and to preserve and promote the heritage of medicine and public health. It is active in public health research and policy analysis.
In 2012, NYAM created the Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health, which explores the cultural and humanistic roots of medicine through public programming and events. The Center incorporates the Library of the Academy.
Learn more about The New York Academy of Medicine at
Learn more about NYAM’s Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health through its blog, “Books, Health, and History,” at
New York Academy of Medicine appears in the following:
Medicaid and Title 19
Monday, October 10, 1966
Public Health in the Contexts of its Social, Biological and Medical Origins / Physiological and Ecological Aspects of Public Health
Tuesday, February 03, 1959

Abraham Lincoln's Contact with the Doctors
Thursday, December 04, 1958

Paths and Roadblocks between the Natural and the Social Sciences
Wednesday, November 19, 1958

Methods of approach to the problems of behavior
Wednesday, November 12, 1958

Epidemic Influenza
Tuesday, November 19, 1957
A special session on the recent influenza epidemic convened on November 19, 1957, by the New York Academy of Medicine, moderated by Columbia University's Harry M. Rose and including the following:
Morris Greenberg, Director of Bureau Preventable diseases NYC DOH
Milton Helpern, New York City's Chief ...
Symposium on Communist Brainwashing
Thursday, November 07, 1957

The Organization of the Pasteur Institute
Wednesday, September 25, 1957

The Epidemiology of Heart Disease [Hermann M. Biggs Memorial Lecture]
Thursday, February 07, 1957

The Approach to the Cancer Patient and His Family
Sunday, February 03, 1957

The Logical Sequence of Pasteur's Discoveries
Wednesday, December 12, 1956

Freud Centenary Afternoon Session
Friday, April 20, 1956

Whither Mankind, or, The Humanist Looks at the Doctor
Wednesday, February 15, 1956

Acculturation in Relation to the Concepts of Health and Disease
Wednesday, February 01, 1956

Cultural Mentalities and Medical Science
Wednesday, January 04, 1956

The Ecology of Health
Wednesday, December 07, 1955

Man, Magic and Medicine (Linsly R. Williams Memorial Lecture)
Wednesday, November 23, 1955

Public Health Aspects of Aging
Wednesday, October 19, 1955

[Aging and Extending Life]
Monday, October 10, 1955