New York Academy of Medicine appears in the following:
Newer Agents in the Treatment of Acute Leukemia
Friday, January 12, 1951

How "biological antagonism" is helping in the fight against cancer.
Men, machines, and the world about them
Wednesday, October 25, 1950

How cerebellar tremor and anti-aircraft guns are alike, and other cybernetical stories.
Problem of Anxiety in the Practice of Medicine
Tuesday, July 04, 1950

What the anxious patient is really saying... if the doctor listens.
Frontiers of Genetics
Thursday, November 10, 1949
This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.
Dr. Iago Galdston, secretary for the Committee on Medical Information, New York Academy of Medicine is interviewed about an upcoming lecture titled "Frontiers in Genetics," part of a series of lectures ...
Rectal Cancer, Dr. Rudolph V. Gorsh
Monday, October 28, 1946
Rudolph V. Gorsh, the Director of Proctology at the Midtown Hospital gives information on rectal cancer. He suggests that "cancer seems destined to replace heart disease as the chief cause of human deaths" and stresses the importance of early detection at the first symptom. For those with financial limitations, he ...