Patricia Kuhl appears in the following:
What We Can Learn From the Brains of Babies
Friday, September 30, 2011
Scientists have found that babies can become fluent in foreign languages at an extremely fast rate; one that begins to slow down by their first birthday. What is it about the make-up of their brains as newborns that gives them this ability? Could adults train their brains to be more like the brains of babies?
Aspen Ideas Panel: Being Human in a Digital World
Friday, August 07, 2009
Patricia Kuhl, co-director of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences and the NSF Science of Learning Center at the University of Washington; John Palfrey, faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society; and video game designer Will Wright, creator of Spore ...
Tech Life
Friday, August 07, 2009
Patricia Kuhl, co-director of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, Will Wright the creator of Spore and SimCity and John Palfrey co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard discuss whether new technology is changing human life on a fundamental level. ...
What We've Learned About Learning
Friday, July 17, 2009
Patricia Kuhl, co-director of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences and the NSF Science of Learning Center at the University of Washington, talks about the latest research on how children learn and how parents and teachers can use the information.
Being Human in a Digital World
Friday, July 03, 2009
Patricia Kuhl, co-director of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences and the NSF Science of Learning Center at the University of Washington, John Palfrey, faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and video game designer Will Wright, creator of Spore ...