Peter Dobrin appears in the following:
The Philadelphia Orchestra's New Chapter
Monday, April 18, 2011
In a historic move, the first of the nation’s “Big Five” orchestras is headed to bankruptcy court. The Philadelphia Orchestra’s board voted in favor of a Chapter 11 reorganization this past Saturday, attributing the decision to what has been called a “fantastic imbalance” between the ensemble’s income and expenses. Philadelphia Inquirer classical music critic Peter Dobrin joins us to fill us in on the details.
2009's Biggest Money Makers... And a Recession Casualty
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Touring is where the money is in the music business, as Billboard magazine’s annual “Money Makers” report once again confirms. Today, Billboard executive editor Craig Marks explains how U2 made the most money in the music world in 2009, thanks largely to their 44-show tour. The band made almost twice ...