Rebecca Sheir appears in the following:
Veterans-Turned-Brewers Help Others Who Served Develop New Skills
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Vermont veterans cook up a brewery and a bourbon distillery that not only lifts spirits, but gives back to the community and creates a model that may encourage other vets to try entrepreneurship.
Think Before You Hit Send To Avoid Text Regret
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Most of us have had that moment of hitting "send" on a text and immediately wishing we could take it back. Of course there's an app for that, but that technical solution also has its issues.
D.C. Bible Museum Will Be Immersive Experience, Organizers Say
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol, construction is underway for the Museum of the Bible, which will hold about 40,000 biblical artifacts from the family of Hobby Lobby President Steve Green.
Teacher Seeks Exoneration From McCarthy-Era Conviction
Saturday, November 29, 2014
For more than six decades, Miriam Moskowitz has lived in fear that people would find out about her past. Now at age 98, the retired math teacher is anxious to set the record straight before it's too late.
"I was and am innocent," Moskowitz tells NPR's Scott Simon.
Moskowitz says ...
Red Tape Ties Up Purchases Of D.C. Affordable Housing
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Nearly 1 in 5 Washington, D.C., residents live at or below the poverty line, but affordable-housing developers are having trouble selling units. This story originally aired on All Things Considered on Nov. 25, 2014.
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Bureaucratic Hoops Make D.C. Affordable Housing Units Hard To Sell
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
This problem exists nationwide, but in the nation's capital, there are more requirements and restrictions. For example, D.C. limits the maximum resale price and makes homeowners wait before they sell.