Robert Jay Lifton

Robert Jay Lifton is a pioneer in the field of psychohistory. He is particularly interested in the effect of momentous historical events on individuals' psyches. He also draws bird cartoons.

Dr. Robert Jay Lifton (1926-) was born in New York City, attended Cornell University, and received his medical degree from New York Medical College in 1948. After his internship and residence he becameĀ  an Air Force psychiatrist serving in the United States, Japan, and Korea from 1951-53. He has worked at Harvard since 1956, and has also worked at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he helped to found the Center for the Study of Human Violence. Among his books are The Protean Self; Human Resilience in an Age of Fragmentation (1993) and Hiroshima in America: Fifty Years of Denial (1995). and an economically sustainable world.

Robert Jay Lifton appears in the following:

Robert Jay Lifton: Witness to an Extreme Century

Friday, June 17, 2011

Robert Jay Lifton talks about his pioneering work in psychohistory.

Comments [3]

Symposium on Communist Brainwashing

Thursday, November 07, 1957

An all-star panel answers the question: Can the Soviets really turn us into automatons?
