appears in the following:
Videotapes Are Becoming Unwatchable As Archivists Work To Save Them
Saturday, June 03, 2017
With VHS tapes degrading, most Americans' home videos from the '80s and '90s won't be viewable in a decade. But there's a grassroots movement to preserve them for posterity.
Smithsonian Solves 150-Year-Old Mystery Death Of Collector And Puts Bones On Display
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Explorer Robert Kennicott disappeared one day in 1866. For more than a century, the cause of his death has been a mystery — but the Smithsonian has solved it.
Ideas Behind Health Care Policy Ignite Passions
Sunday, May 07, 2017
When it comes to health care, there are two philosophies pushing against each other. But why does it get so heated?
Syrian Activist Looks Up: 'For the First Time Ever, There's a Glimmer of Hope'
Saturday, April 08, 2017
Mouaz Moustafa has spent years advocating in Washington for the United States to get more involved in Syria. He sees President Trump's strike as long overdue.
Vince Staples: 'We Live In A Space Where Your Name Isn't Enough'
Sunday, April 02, 2017
"You can't find a Jay Z article where they don't speak about him selling drugs," the Long Beach rapper says. "You can't find a Vince Staples article where it doesn't say 'ex-gang member.' "
Failed House Vote Is 'A Great Opportunity' For Republicans, Former House Leader Says
Saturday, March 25, 2017
"Now we can back up and do the things that should have been done," Republican Tom DeLay says. The former House Majority Leader discusses what the withdrawal of the AHCA means for his party's future.
Christians Turn To Podcasts To Say Things They Can't Say In Church
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Toby Morrell and Mike McHargue are among a seemingly growing trend of ex-pastors, musicians and authors who are bucking Christian theology through podcasts.
When Trump Tweets, This Bot Makes Money
Saturday, February 04, 2017
Ben Gaddis, president of Austin-based advertising company T3 made an Internet bot that shorts stock when President Donald Trump tweets negatively about a company.