Tamara Keith

Tamara Keith appears in the following:

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton's Email Defense Is A Mixed Bag

Friday, September 11, 2015

Five months have passed since we first fact checked Hillary Clinton's arguments defending her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. The controversy has not gone away, and the Clinton campaign, hoping for a post-Labor Day reset, is ramping up its defense.

It posted ...


Questions About Her Private Email Server Follow Hillary Clinton

Friday, September 11, 2015

Months have passed since we first learned Hillary Clinton used a private email server while she was secretary of State. The controversy has not gone away. We examine how Clinton explains the issue.


Obama Hosts Saudi King To Ease Concerns Over Iran Nuclear Deal

Friday, September 04, 2015

The Iran nuclear deal has strained Obama's relations with allies in the Middle East. The visit comes just before Congress begins debating the Iran deal.


The Bloody Mary Meat Straw: An All-American Story

Sunday, August 30, 2015

This is a story of American ingenuity and entrepreneurship. It is the story of the meat straw. Yes, you read that right.

"It is a straw made out of pork," explains Ben Hirko of Coralville, Iowa, the man behind Benny's Original Meat Straws.

It's a half-inch in diameter, the ...


Obama Acknowledges There's Much More Work To Do In New Orleans

Friday, August 28, 2015

President Obama celebrated the progress made to rebuild New Orleans but said what started out as a natural disaster became something much worse when government didn't "look out for its own citizens."


Obama Could Make An Endorsement In Primary Between Clinton, Biden

Monday, August 24, 2015

A White House spokesman won't rule out the possibility of the president choosing sides in a presidential primary, even if it's a race between his former secretary of state and his vice president.


Letter From Obama Wins Congressman's Support For Iran Deal

Friday, August 21, 2015

President Obama today won over a key ally in support of the Iran nuclear deal after sending New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler a lengthy letter. In it, the President reassured the congressm...


Fact Check: Is Refinancing Student Debt Really Good Policy?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Student loan debt is turning into a major campaign issue, and one solution many candidates can agree on is allowing graduates to refinance their student loans. But it may not be the best way to help.


White House Launches Program To Fight Heroin Epidemic

Monday, August 17, 2015

The White House announced on Monday new funding to fight the heroin problem gripping New England and other parts of the country.


'No Voters Ask Me About the Emails'

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hillary Clinton has said that on the campaign trail, voters are worried about paying for college, not scrutinizing her old emails. So how do her actual policy ideas address those issues?

Comments [19]

At Clinton Event, An Emotional Conversation On Substance Use

Friday, August 14, 2015

In New Hampshire this week, Hillary Clinton veered from the stump speech for a somber discussion on substance abuse. Nearly everyone in the room had been affected by drugs.


Clinton Team To Release Private Email Server She Used As Secretary Of State

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

In addition to the server, Hillary Clinton will also provide a USB drive holding copies of the 30,000 emails she has turned over to the State Department. The action is unlikely to quiet her critics.


Hillary Clinton Decides To Release Private Email Server To Justice Department

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Clinton directed her staff to turn over the private email server she used as secretary of state after questions were raised about possible classified information in emails sent from the server.


Democrats Sound Similar Alarm On College Affordability

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton unveiled her plan to make college more affordable on Monday. How does it compare with the proposals of her Democratic opponents?


Inside Hillary Clinton's Debate Watch War Room

Friday, August 07, 2015

While the Republican candidates debated Thursday night, Democratic campaigns tried to make the most of the moment, offering rapid response.

At the Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters on the 11th floor of an office building in Brooklyn, N.Y., about 50 staff members gathered to watch the debate. Some were working. Others ...


Democratic Candidates Spend Debate Night Posting Reactions, Raking In Cash

Friday, August 07, 2015

Hillary Clinton's staff tried to counter the Republican candidates' comments in real time. Bernie Sanders posted his thoughts, too. Meanwhile Clinton was across the country at a big-ticket fundraiser.


With Climate Change Plans, Democratic Candidates Aren't Just Courting Voters

Thursday, August 06, 2015

The vast majority of Democratic voters believe that something needs to be done to combat climate change. So, the party's presidential candidates have been racing to tout their environ...


Meet Hillary Clinton — Again

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Hillary Clinton is a former first lady, former New York senator, former Secretary of State and runner-up in the Democratic primary in 2008. Her name identification is nearly universal. But her campaign just announced it is spending $2 million to air a pair of minute-long "getting-to-know-you" TV spots in the ...


Democratic Candidates Stumble Over Black Lives Matter Movement

Friday, July 31, 2015

"Nobody got the messaging right at the beginning," one activist said. "They should have known better." Three Democratic candidates are speaking to the National Urban League today.


From Hollywood To Des Moines, In Search Of Political Action

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Brent Roske is a Hollywood writer-producer-director who's come to Des Moines, Iowa, where he's started a television show that's rapidly become a destination for presidential candidates.
