Dozens of police officers with dogs and battering rams swept through three Columbia University fraternities early Tuesday morning on a drug raid. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly says five students and three off-campus individuals, who allegedly supplied the campus operation, were arrested.
Columbia University officials say they're taking the alleged criminal drug activity very seriously, but wouldn't comment on whether the students would be suspended or expelled.
Police dubbed the elaborate undercover effort "Operation Ivy League."
Kelly says it was the largest drug bust on a college campus in recent memory, and included a wide array of drugs including marijuana, Ecstasy, cocaine, LSD and other stimulants.
In addition to the drug dealing arrests, police charged one of the off-campus alleged dealers for trying to engage an undercover police officer to kidnap and kill a pair of rival dealers.
Investigators say their undercover operation was prompted by several anonymous tips about illicit drug dealing on the campus. Police say the probe started this past summer.
The prosecution is being handled by Bridget Brennan, the city's narcotics prosecutor.
Officials say one of the students says he was using drug money to help pay his school bills. "This is no way to work your way through college," Kelly said in a statement.