On Wednesday cookbook author Rozanne Gold and farm coordinator for Katchkie Farm, Alice Walton, were on the show to talk about winter vegetables, which are plentiful but often overlooked. It can be hard to know what to do with rutabagas, turnips, cabbages, beets, and celery root. Here are a few of the recipes that Rozanne and Alice brought up during the interview.
Listen to that interview here.
Kohlrabi hors'd'oeuvres: Boil whole until tender, about 20-25 minutes. Let it cool and cut into round slices. Serve with crème fresh and caviar.
Fried kohlrabi: Boil whole until tender, about 20-25 minutes. Let it cool and cut into 1” cubes. Fry cubes in olive oil until they gets crispy and brown, sprinkle with salt, and serve. Rozanne also recommends sprinkling with West Indian curry powder.
Roast French breakfast radishes: cut radishes in half, glaze with a little bit of olive oil, and roast for about 20 minutes at 425. Makes a great hors d’oeuvre served with a little sliced manchego cheese.
Slice up radishes and stir fry them with sugar snap peas and bits of bacon.
Sautée radishes, radish leaves, and a little pancetta in olive oil and toss with pasta.
Celery Root
Here’s a recipe from the Katchkie Farm website:
Celery Root and Apple Slaw
2 cups celery root, julienne on a mandoline
1 cup apple, julienne on a mandoline
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix mayonnaise, mustard, parsley and lemon juice in a bowl. Add celery root and apple, toss well to combine and season with salt and pepper.
Mashed celery root and fennel: Peel celery root and cut into 1”cubes. Chop fennel into 1” chunks. Cover with water (or vegetable stock) and bring to a boil. Let simmer for about 20 minutes. Puree in a food processor.
Rozanne’s “crazy new idea”: Boil celery root until it’s very, very soft (cut into 1” cubes, boil about 20 minutes) and puree it with a little bit of olive oil. Add a little bit of truffle oil. Serve it as a sandwich spread. It’s especially delicious on brioche, with fresh thyme leaves and a little salt.
Because celery root is similar to potato, you can use it in a gratin. Here’s a recipe from the Los Angeles Times.
Parsnip fries: Peel parsnip and slice into French fry shapes, coat with a little olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt, roast for about 25 minutes at 375.
Vegetable Stock
Chop up 6 cups of root vegetables (you can use the stems and skins and pieces you might otherwise discard), add 1-2 cups of chopped onion or leeks. Cover with a lot of water, add sea salt, a couple bay leaves, whole all spice, a smashed glove of garlic or two. Boil for 45 minutes to an hour. Strain it, and cook it down to the consistency you like.