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Saïd Sayrafiezadeh On Judging A Book By Its Cover

Writer Saïd Sayrafiezadeh likes to keep his bookshelves in a certain order.  His wife works for Martha Stewart, so he says they are very "particular about their apartment." To him, "everything needs to be in its place or there is somehow chaos in the world."

Sayrafiezadeh admits many books have been chosen for aesthetics alone.  But you can still find some ragged left-overs from adolescence.

They aren’t in the realm of Superfudge.  More like Communist literature on Trotsky, Chairman Mao and Marx.

His own book, When Skateboards Will Be Free: A Memoir Of A Political Childhood, deals with these topics. It describes his experience growing up, in his words, in a "small, left-wing organization called the Socialist Workers Party."

He's currently reading Member of the Wedding, which he bought for 50 cents at Housing Works. Though, he notes the conflict of interest between buying and selling used books verses buying new hardcover editions to support the publishing industry at large. He's torn.

Sayrafiezadeh recently gave StackedUp TV a tour of his books.  Check out the video to see his full collection.