Artists Respond to 9/11

The 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks is approaching, and Studio 360 is putting together a list of the best books, music, movies, and other works of art that have responded to those events. And we want to know what you think should be highlighted.

Listener Josh Plock from Columbus, Georgia, was inspired by the way his comic book heroes stepped up to fight terrorism. Captain America, “the star-spangled avenger who first started out fighting Hitler, was now fighting terrorists.”

Stacey Kerr from Santa Rosa, California, finds comfort listening to the song September 11 at the Shambhala Center” by the Roche Sisters. The lyrics tell the frightened listener to “look up at the big no end ..don’t lose your nerve.” “It’s just so healing, so perceptive, and so compassionate,” Kerr explains. “It’s just so brave.”

What would you add to the list?

Tell us — and see suggestions from other listeners.