New York state has the highest percentage of women who have never been married. That's according to the U.S. Census Bureau, which released the results of its annual American Community Survey Thursday.
The Survey is distinct from the 2010 Census, in that it takes place every year and polls just a segment of the population and extrapolates the results. However, it measures a far wider range of attributes than the census, such as income, language spoken at home and means of commuting to work.
According to the survey, 34.8 percent of New York women 15 and over were never married. At the other end of the never married women spectrum was Wyoming, where only 20.7 percent of women have never married.
Within New York City those statistics are higher than the state-wide. Never-married women make up 41.7 percent of the population, up from 38.7 percent in 2006. For men, the figures are even more dramatic: 46.7 percent have never been married, up from 43.4 percent in 2006.
By race, Asians in the city are the most likely to have been married. But 51 percent of black women and 54 percent of black men have never married, higher than any other group.
Other developments:
- The city has been diversifying in recent years. Close to half of all residents (49.2 percent) speak a language other than English at home, up from 47.5 percent last year.
- Despite speculation in recent years that the recession was forcing many young people to move back in with their parents, the average household size has remained stable. It was 2.66 in 2010, compared to 2.64 in 2006, before the economy began its slide.
- The percentage of mothers who are unmarried has risen. Thirty-seven percent of the city's mothers were unmarried in 2010, up from 33.5 percent in 2009.