The independent kitchenware and gift store Fishs Eddy has taken a political stance on Occupy Wall Street, hydrofracking and birth control in its holiday windows.
Each of the store's windows at 19th St. and Broadway features colorful protest signs bearing slogans like: "GIFTS for the 99%," "NO FRACKIN WAY!," "SHOP LOCAL EAT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL CAUSES!" "GIVE A DAMN!," "SAVE THE PILL," "PROUD TO SAY WE'VE NEVER BEEN INDICTED" and "DON'T BE A GASHOLE."
"We were really excited and inspired by the movement and we are always looking for ways to be political and have a voice," said the store's visual manager, Anna Bella Guggenheimer. "We're really proud of the way they came out and definitely believe in all the messages we put up there."
Guggenheimer added that the owner of Fishs Eddy, Julie Gaines, who lives near Zuccotti Park, was inspired by the Occupy Wall Street encampment when she walked by it and wanted to do something about it.
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