Jon Stewart notes that the man dubbed "the terror funder" by skeptics of Park51 "is Rupert Murdoch's News Corp's partner."
Halbfinger and Powell, on Cuomo's HUD record: "He did not heed local officials and others who wanted him to make Fannie and Freddie publicly report details about the loans they bought. And he chose not to impose penalties and other deterrents to ensure that the giant public banks did not promote dangerous lending."
Haberman on Park51's proximity to Ground Zero: "Two blocks is equivalent to several miles in other cities or in the suburbs."
NYT calls Lazio's comments about Park51 "increasingly hysterical attacks."
Rangel on Obama: "Frankly, he has not been around long enough to determine what my dignity is" and "For the next two years, I will be more likely to protect his dignity."
Campanile: "Adam Clayton Powell IV last night said voters should elect him to replace Rep. Charles Rangel -- because Rangel's sins are worse than his own."
Barbaro: "Jonathan Tasini, a candidate and a labor activist, explained matter-of-factly that Mr. Rangel had accepted large sums of money from political action committees. The crowd erupted in boos and jeers."
NYS GOP spokesman says Paladino's prison plan is "not something that, as a party, we would get behind."
Schumer's GOP rivals sound alike.
Rice questions why Schneiderman didn't go after Espada.
Maloney and Saujani argue who is the bigger Park51 supporter.
Koch: "I do not give up hope but that Shelly will sign, so I don't want to say anything that I'll regret."
Bloomberg's cowboy remark draws protest.
RWDSU boss hits Senate Democrats for accepting Wal-Mart contribution.
Diaz parks his campaign cars at a lot owned by his church, jeopardizing their charity status.