Guest Picks: Dena Kaye

Dena Kaye was on the Leonard Lopate Show recently to talk about the 100th anniversary of the birth of her father, the entertainer Danny Kaye. She also told us what she's been reading and watching recently.

What have you read or seen over the past year that moved or surprised you?

        My father in "Hans Christian Andersen" just released on Blu-Ray.

        "White Christmas" just shown at Oscars Outdoors in Los Angeles.


What are you listening to right now?

        My father’s album for children, "Mommy Gimme a Drinka Water."


What’s the last great book you read?

        My mother’s unpublished book, Fine and Danny about her life with my father.


What’s one thing you’re a fan of that people might not expect?



What’s your favorite comfort food?

        Corn muffin tops from Greek coffee shops in New York