Money Talking host Charlie Herman and regular contributors Joe Nocera of the New York Times and Rana Foroohar of Time magazine tell us what they're reading this weekend.
Charlie Herman is reading Jon Lee Anderson's article in the New Yorker, "How We Forgot Iraq." "He wrote about the build up to the war in Iraq ten years ago, he was in Iraq during the fighting." Herman adds, "I'm curious to see him recapture the mood and what's actually happened in Iraq ten years later."
Rana Foroohar will be reading the article "The Modern King in the Arab Spring" by Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic about Jordan's King Abdullah. "OMG. He trashes everybody," says Foroohar referring to the king. She adds, "All these thought bubbles that you always imagine must be in leaders' heads, suddenly they're on the page."
Joe Nocera also plans to read the Atlantic. He's checking out the cover story, "The Touch-Screen Generation" by Hanna Rosen. "Hanna Rosen comes away very skeptical, or at least appears to be skeptical, ultimately, about whether these apps are good for children or not."