Jim Parsons was on the Leonard Lopate Show recently to talk about his role as Sheldon Cooper in the hit TV series "The Big Bang Theory" and his role in the upcoming HBO version of Larry Kramer's "The Normal Heart." He also told us what he's been reading and watching recently.
What have you read or seen over the past year (book, play, film, etc…) that moved or surprised you?
Bradley Cooper in “Silver Linings Playbook.” He was so effective – I specifically adored him in the dance competition scene.
What are you listening to right now?
“The Bridge” on Sirius XM – I love that CSNY, Carly Simon music…
What’s the last great book you read?
I have only been reading murder mysteries lately, and while I think they’re so good, I can’t call any of them “great.”
What’s one thing you’re a fan of that people might not expect?
Fantasy Football. I’m considering getting into Fantasy Baseball, but I think it may be too time consuming.
What’s your favorite comfort food?
Chicken fried steak w/ cream gravy and mashed potatoes.