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New Jersey News
68% of Newark High School Students Chronic to Severely-Chronically Absent
The average student in New Jersey’s largest city was absent more than 15 days last year, according to a new report by Newark Public Schools.
But a new initiative from Newark Schools Superintendent Cami Anderson aims to cut absenteeism in half within the next three years.
The district has launched Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow — a campaign requiring each school in Newark to engage and support the parents of last year’s chronically absent students, and to work with community groups and school support teams to set attendance goals and create an accountability system.
High School Student Absenteeism By High School Type 2012-2013
(Newark Public Schools)
From the report:
- 82 percent of high school students (excluding magnet and alternative schools) were chronically or severely-chronically absent, meaning they missed more than 10 or more than 20 days of school, respectively.
- 49 percent of K-8 students were chronically or severely-chronically absent.
- Nationwide, 13 percent of students are chronically or severely-chronically absent.