Jazz violinist Regina Carter recently performed on the famous Guarneri violin once owned by 19th-century virtuoso, Nicolò Paganini. No jazz musician had ever laid hand on the violin, nor had any African-American. The idea of jazz being played on the precious instrument unleashed heated controversy in Genoa, Italy, Paganini’s birthplace and owner of the instrument. But when Carter held a press conference and charmed the Italian press, public opinion immediately changed. She joins us today to discuss this remarkable experience. Also joining us is the New York composer Christopher Theofanidis, who is among the six finalists at this year’s Masterprize composition competition in London. And WNYC’s Margaret Juntwait stops by to review a new recording by a cappella group Chanticleer.
Additional Resources:More about Regina Carter
More about Masterprize
More about Chanticleer
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