Carlos Lacerda

Pele, King of Brazilian football, strolls through Guanabara state Palace in Rio de Janeiro with state Gov. Carlos Lacerda in 1965.

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Carlos Lacerda, former governor of Guanabara State (Rio de Janeiro city) speaks about the "struggle for democracy in Brazil." Staunchly anti-communist, Lacerda has been imprisoned numerous times because of his stance against dictators.

Lacerda discusses the current economic situation in Brazil - low wages, impending inflation, etc. He discusses the difficulties of developing such a large nation. He notes the role of the Alliance for Progress, which is turning into just a proposition to finance a few projects.

He says that there are no "give away programs" all programs have costs. Also discusses the armament race in Latin America, noting that only 20% of the Brazilian budget is spent on armaments.

Discusses the Jo"o Goulart presidency.

Tape two (which starts at approximately 29 minutes in) labeled "Leftover."

Excerpts including introductions and questions and answers.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 72269
Municipal archives id: T5615