New York, NY —
Forest City Ratner can begin tearing down six buildings in Brooklyn where it wants to build a basketball arena and 17 high rises. WNYC's Andrea Bernstein reports a court ruling clearing the way, even though the project hasn not been approved.
REPORTER: The developer says the buildings are unsafe and must be torn down. Area residents disagreed and went to court. But State Supreme Court Justice Carol Edmead say there was no basis in law for her to second guess the state economic development agency when it green-lighted the demolitions. Lawyer Jennifer Levy said the judge's decision would harm area residents.
LEVY: Once the demolitions go forward they'll be surrounded by vacant lots. The publics perception will be that the project has already been approved.
REPORTER: The judge did hand the plaintiffs a victory when she admonished the state for hiring a lawyer to "independently" review the project when that lawyer had already worked for Ratner on the same project. She said that would undermine public trust and carried an indelible "taint." And she ordered the state to get a new attorney. The project still has to undergo environmental review and secure several state approvals.