Students Rally Over School Move

About 30 students from the Bronx rallied outside the Education Department's headquarters in Lower Manhattan to protest plans to move their small school into a large, failing high school.

REPORTER: They say their school - which is called the Leadership Institute - was supposed to move into the Fordham Library. But student Juan Antigua says the Education Department now has other plans.

ANTIGUA: We were supposed to get the library building, be in there, a full site cause we're a small school. But we're not going to get those funds they're going to kick us inside a large school, Roosevelt High School so that's why we're here.

REPORTER: An Education Department spokeswoman says the Leadership Institute is among 23 projects immediately affected by the lack of state capital funds. The Department blames the state for fighting the Campaign for Fiscal Equity court ruling that said it owes the city more money for school aid.