Gov. David Paterson says he doesn't need to apologize to Muslim groups who criticized him and his defense of a branch of Islam seeking to build a mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero.
But Paterson says he's sent a letter to the groups, further explaining his defense of a Sufi Muslim imam's right to build the mosque a couple of blocks from the site of the World Trade Center attacks.
Paterson said last week the Sufi branch is an "almost Westernized" kind of Islam that's peaceful. He denied today that he implied other branches were not peaceful.
The Muslim Public Affairs Council said Friday that Paterson mischaracterized the sect and his comment suggested other Muslims are a problem.
Paterson's letter comes as the head of Manhattan Community Board 1 suggests the community center and mosque also include space for an interfaith center. In an op-ed for the Daily News, the community board's Julie Menin says an interfaith worship space would help end the heated debate over the project.