Oscar yi Hou: East of sun, west of moon, Sheila Pepe: My Neighbor’s Garden, Waco and David Koresh 30 Years Later, Jason Mraz Performs Live

Oscar yi Hou (born Liverpool, UK, 1998). Coolieisms, aka: Sly Son Goku turns 23, 2021. Oil on canvas, 30 × 24 in. (76.2 × 61 cm).

For transcripts, see individual segment pages.

Oscar yi Hou's exhibition at Brooklyn Museum questions what it means to be “Asian American” and who is considered “American.” Oscar yi Hou: East of sun, west of moon features eleven of his recent figurative paintings, casting his friends and himself as East Asian figures to Son Goku of the popular media franchise Dragon Ball. Hou and curator Eugenie Tsai join us to discuss the show which is on display until Sept. 17.

Until December, Madison Square Park will be host to the crochet sculptures of Brooklyn based artist Sheila Pepe, the artist's first outdoor exhibition. Pepe first learned to crochet in the 1960's from her mother, and has used the technique to form her sculptural practice. There will be 15,000 yards of crocheted material in the park, and the sculptures will wind through vines, passageways, and light poles. Sheila Pepe: My Neighbor’s Garden is on view at Madison Square Park through December 10, and Pepe alongside curator Brooke Kamin Rapaport are with us to preview the work and take your calls.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the siege at Waco, Texas, which led to the death of 76 people who were part of a group known as the Branch Davidians, led by David Koresh. Author Stephen Talty joins us to discuss this anniversary and his new book, Koresh: The True Story of David Koresh and the Tragedy at Waco

Everyone's favorite fedora-wearing songsmith Jason Mraz is back with his eighth album. On Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride, Mraz incorporates disco-inspired beats for an especially dance-friendly album. Mraz joins us live in the studio to discuss the album and perform some stripped-back tunes.