America Tells Its Stories: The American Square Dance Group

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.
Program 5
Songs from New England and the Deep South.
Hosted by Boris Yuck (?) members of the American Square Dance Group bring listeners songs people like to dance to.
Lucy Allison , accompanied by William Agnew (John Allison was unable to perform as planned) play a Revolutionary era song, "Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier."
Next, a square dance is played.
Followed by "Old Joe Clark" with Pete Seeger on the five-string banjo. Seeger describes the history of this style of banjo. He goes on to play "John Hardy," and "Cindy." [extensive abrasions on the disc result in poor audio quality in this portion]
Manny Wiener calls a "Kentucky Running Set" square dance.
Lucy Allison and William Agnew returns to perform "Who's Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Foot?" and "Nancy Till."
Pete Seeger sings "Pretty Polly"
The show's announcer explains that in some regions folk dancing is done to just the singing of performers because of religious opposition to the playing of instruments. They perform such a song called "Brown Jug."
The announcer closes the show by promoting "Promenade" American Square Dance Group magazine.
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 72642
Municipal archives id: LT6317